Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Webcomic Week Day 1

Considering that this site has mainly been about anime and music, I thought I'd add more content.  Thus  "Webcomic Week" is born.  Everyday this week, starting today of course, I will talk about a webcomic that I read.  Each comic will come with links, posted on the side soon.  Today I will be talking about Happle Tea and Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name.
First off is Happle Tea which is loosely based off of various aspects of mythology from around the world.  From God in cat form to Sasquatch to Ilmarinen and the forging of the Sampo, the author Scott Maynard covers many things.  There really is no plot to the comic, so if that's your thing, this is a great comic and lots of fun.  It's also pretty informative and has decent art.  Happle Tea updates on Tuesdays and Fridays with pretty good consistency.  So be sure to check that out if you are into that kinda thing.
Next is Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name which is about a 24 year old guy named Hanna and his zombie sidekick who deal in paranormal investigations.  Out of all of the comics I read, this is the most recent one I've read; I started yesterday, yet is definitely one of my favorites.  The art is very good and clean with a very modern American comic look.  Also zombies, vampires, werewolves, and the sort are always a plus when done this well.  I also like the way the author, Tessa Stone, lets the zombie sidekick do the narrating.  Having a zombie narrator is quite novel and he makes the comic quite fun when contrasted with Hanna's craziness.  The main downside of this comic is that it does not update regularly like the rest of the comics I will be posting.  However, the art is good enough that I don't care.  Anyways if you're into crazy art and zombies/vampires, this is definitely a comic for you.  Until summer anime season ends, expect more random posts like this and I hope you find these two comics as enjoyable as I do.


Friday, August 27, 2010

It's a sad day...

So, it's my first post in a month and this one has a pretty grim tone.  3 days ago, that's August 24th if you are too lazy to subtract or happen to read this in say...a year, Satoshi Kon died.  If you aren't away of who Satoshi Kon is, he was a famous anime director famous for such titles as Paprika(2006) and Paranoia Agent, a slightly disturbing 13 episode anime that at one point ran on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim.  He was a pretty powerful figure in the anime world and died while working on his 5th movie.  I feel kinda bad not having seen most of his works so throughout the course of this blog you might see some of them pop up in WDs or elsewhere.  He left his last words, translated in English at this site, and I think that we should admire his strength considering he knew he was living on borrowed time due to incurable pancreatic cancer.  My advice is to check out his works, even if you have to do it illegally.  From what I've seen, they are quite thought provoking and tell pretty amazing stories, regardless of how surreal they are.  To compound on Satoshi Kon's death, there were 2 deaths amongst Japanese DJs that I thought I would point out, Nujabes and KAGAMI.  Nujabes, or Jun Seba, would probably be best known for his work in Samurai Champloo to anime viewers and he died in February of 2010 in a motor vehicle accident; his last.fm page is here.  KAGAMI or Takashi Yasumi was a DJ who did a couple of tracks for the anime Eureka 7 and who worked with bands like ORANGE RANGE, his last.fm page is here.  Remember all, humans live only a short while and if you do great things, people will remember you.  Hopefully, I'll be posting normally again soonish but I wouldn't count on it.