
 1. General stuffs
The main point of this site is to provide a game of "Who am I?" to the entire world.  For the first round, I will be the person you're trying to guess.  Through my posts and the various clues I will post, I want to see if you can figure out 2 things, "Where am I from? and Who am I?"  The first person to answer each question will receive some sort of prize, albeit it'll probably be cheap.  Subsequent rounds will be handled by some of my friends who choose to help me in the game.  That said, it's obvious that participation is not required and you're all free to browse my posts for whatever you think is interesting.  When I am found out, I will reveal some other interesting things in relation to the game, a second game so to speak.  My goal is to provide a source of random information and a game for those who choose to participate.

2. Game Rules and Specific Information
    1. Place all speculations related to specific posts in the comment sections for those posts.
    2. If you can immediately figure out who I am, please don't ruin it.
    3. I ask that if you think you know any of these things, send me an email at csmirek@gmail.com
    4. All members of my side will have their initials somewhere in their posting name.
    5. I will place a link to all current clues on the sidebar, however do not leave comments there.

3. Blog Rules
    1. Please be courteous when posting comments, please don't troll.
    2. If you don't want to read my blog, don't.
    3. If you want to argue with me, email me.  I'd be glad to argue.
    4. Should you choose to stay and read my posts, enjoy it and leave a comment if you like.

--Note:  All pictures on the blog are taken by me in person, no taking pictures of TV screens or stealing pictures from other websites unless I explicitly cite them.

With that, enjoy your stay and I hope to see you leaving comments and trying to figure out who I am.

NOW to continue onto ROUND 1!