So, if you've never been here or don't know me, I am someone who gets bored quite easily. Perhaps this is apparent, perhaps not, who am I to judge? In any case, from the depths of my boredom, I bring you this blog, whether it pleases you or not is not my concern. Anyways, now that that's out of the way, I'd like to give you the first Weekly Discovery. After pondering what name I should give, this is the best I could come up with, is that sad? Perhaps, but again not my concern. The posts labeled "WD" or Weekly Discovery are not necessarily new discoveries on my part, but perhaps they will be for you. At least that's the reason why I'm doing this. These posts will be highly random, ranging from music to anime to news to simply odd facts, but that's part of the fun, you'll never know what you'll get each week. The same applies to me since well....I don't like to think that far forward, too much effort I suppose. Anyways, from the anime posts it's pretty obvious that I like anime and with that, Japanese music. However, this week's WD is a composer named Yann Tiersen. He composed the soundtrack for a French film called Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain. While, this post is about the composer behind the music, I also recommend watching the movie since it's actually a pretty good movie. Onto the music, it's very....French, incredibly characteristically French if that makes sense to you. That said, I crossfaded the first 5 tracks of the soundtrack together in this file. I hope you enjoy it and this massive blob of a disorganized paragraph. The next post is likely to be a Hong Kong post, but who knows, things never seem to go as planned with me. Also, that's the first time I've crossfaded any music together so don't expect it to be done amazingly or anything.
What program do you use to crossfade?
I'm using Audacity although I know there is better software out there. It's a bit limited but has some pretty good abilities and best, it's free.
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