Wednesday, July 7, 2010

On fireworks and Ents

So, a few days ago was July 4th which as all Americans know means fireworks.  To that end, I bring you pictures from a fireworks show in California, which is not where I live.  I decided that since I took so many pictures, I would just let you view them all at your own discretion.  Here is the link to the folder.  Notice here that there is a "image gallery view" button, might be useful if you intend to look at all of them.
In other news, I was talking to a friend of mine who suffers from chronic nosebleeds and she mentioned getting an appointment with an ENT specialist.  Now, while I know that that stands for ear, nose, and throat, I couldn't help but think about the Ents from J.R.R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.  The idea of being an Ent specialist intrigued me.  Although they aren't real, it'd be fun to say "I specialize in giant, talking trees.  What do YOU do?" while the opposing party stands agape, trying to determine whether I'm insane or awesome.  Anyways, that's all for this break from anime, I've still got a lot of anime to cover so don't expect anymore randomness for a while.  Also, here's the wikipedia link on Ents if you're interested.  Enjoy the pictures, they took forever to upload.  Also notice that I have added links on the side, in the future more stuff will go there but for now is my page which shows what I'm listening to at pretty much any time of day.


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