Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Spring 2010 Review: Working!!

So, this week is a big ending week for anime in regards to the spring 2010 season.  I just finished the mid review for Giant Killing and am now set to give a review of the comedy slice of life, Working!!  After this, as in within a couple days will be the review for the comedy gag style Arakawa Under the Bridge.
Working!! is a comedy anime that follows a 16 year old guy, Takanashi Sota, and his encounters with a new part time job working at a cafe called Wagnaria.  He is recruited by a small senpai or upperclassman, from here on I will use senpai partially because it is shorter and I am lazy like that, named Taneshima Popura or Poplar, like the tree.  As the anime continues, we meet a host of interesting characters from a waitress that carries a katana and shows lesbian tendencies, nothing major, to a violent, red haired androphobe (one who fears men).  Needless to say, this is a heavily character driven anime that has close to no plot.  However there is plot continuity and should be watched in order as each episode links to the next in some way.
Personally, I really liked this anime.  There was a lot of humor and I found each of the characters and their respective quirks quite likable.  There is no real objectionable content except a couple of strange innuendos that are easy to overlook.  As a comedy anime, there is also a good amount of romance and a bunch of really odd situations.  For example, the main character crossdresses in not one but two episodes.  While I am not into that, the comedic effect of it was quite powerful and fit the plot perfectly.  Along the lines of music, the OP is typical of this type of anime, high energy with a bit of a high pitch voice.  Perhaps a bit better than some of the other OPs in this genre, I personally do not listen to the OP/ED very carefully unless I like them.  As for the actual soundtrack, it is largely unimposing yet a good blend and just plain feels right to the anime which is always a good thing.
Overall, if you are looking for a good laugh, this is a pretty good choice.  If comedy is not your thing but you like embarrassing dramas and love stories, this will fit the bill pretty well.  Otherwise you might want to stay away.  Perhaps this anime is in the world of otaku and not your thing, but it was funny and I am hoping for a second season.  If you watch, you will probably understand why since the end leaves a lot to be explored.  In any case, I am putting this right towards the top of my list of the best of spring 2010 with a few of the other animes not yet reviewed yet.  Next up is Arakawa Under the Bridge, another comedy but completely different in style.  After that the summer 2010 season kicks into full gear so expect first episode reviews.  After that and all other reviews are done, expect more randomness and a storm of strange articles, complete with my own brand of either criticism or disbelief.

Overall: 9/10
Amongst comedy anime: 9/10
*Note: you get pictures too - link
           I found myself too lazy to mash them together so you get that instead


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